• Vital role of family HEADER BLOG 1

    Family Role In Addiction Recovery

    When people discuss the impact of addiction, the focus is often on the addicted individual. While no one endures the

  • PHP vs. IOP Whats the Difference

    PHP vs IOP: What’s the Difference?

    Sometimes seeking addiction or mental health treatment can be an overwhelming process. There are many factors to consider along with

  • Between 1994 and 2010, four out of five victims of intimate partner violence were female.

    The Link Between Trauma and Female Addiction

    Female addiction treatment has evolved over the last few decades. With an increased understanding of what causes women to

  • Cans of popular global energy

    Dangers of Mixing An Energy Drink With Alcohol

    The widespread popularity of mixing an energy drink with alcohol in today's fast-paced world has given rise to a dangerous

  • bipolar man 1 1 1

    The Bipolar and Alcohol Abuse Connection

    The intersection of bipolar disorder and alcohol abuse is a complex and challenging issue affecting millions worldwide. This blog post

  • veteran substance abuse

    PTSD and Substance Abuse in Veterans

    While serving in the military, many individuals endure a lot of high-stress or traumatic situations, such as deployment and combat

  • 10 Relapse Signs and Symptoms in Your Loved One

    10 Signs of Relapse in Your Loved One

    In the context of alcohol and drugs, a relapse indicates the return to drug or alcohol use following a

  • How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System 1

    How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System?

    Drinking alcohol represents celebration, culture, part of socialization, and everyday life. While this may be the case, and having

  • The Connection Between Mental Health and Detox: A Comprehensive Approach to Recovery

    The Connection Between Mental Health and Detox: A Comprehensive Approach to Recovery

    Understanding Mental Health and Detox Mental health issues can create many challenges for individuals recovering from substance abuse. People may

  • Breaking Down the Stigmas of Mental Health Treatment

    Breaking Down the Stigmas of Mental Health Treatment

    Dealing with a mental health disorder is challenging enough without contending with the societal stigmas associated with such conditions. Learning

  • 5% of U.S. Adults are affected by PTSD each year. That's more than 10 million people.

    Early Signs of PTSD

    Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a debilitating mental illness that can manifest after experiencing traumatic events. The disorder

  • individual therapy for military personnel

    Mental Health Treatment for Veterans and Active Military: TRICARE Guide

    There are currently more than 1.4 million active-duty service members in the U.S. military. In addition to those actively serving,

  • Benefits of Family Counseling With a Marriage and Family Therapist

    Why Is Family Therapy Important?

    Why is family therapy important? Family therapy is a core element of behavioral health treatment, mental health treatment and treatment

  • Is Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey Safe

    Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey: What You Should Know

    The risks of alcohol abuse are something many people underestimate, since social drinking is common and accepted. Many people who

  • Drug Addiction Denial min

    Addiction and Denial: Why Admitting You Have a Problem Is the Hardest Step

    Addiction, also known as substance abuse, is becoming increasingly problematic every year. National U.S. statistics show an ever-increasing trend in