• Choosing the Right Treatment Center

    How to Choose a Drug Rehab Center? Things to Consider Before Deciding

    Whichever option you choose and can access, just be sure you have a plan to maintain your sobriety following drug rehab. Click here to learn more about your options for drug addiction treatment and what programs might work best for you on the road to recovery.

  • fears in recovery 1

    Alcoholism and the Brain

    Alcohol consumption has obvious short-term consequences on brain function. For example, most people are familiar with the slurred speech and

  • domestic violence

    Alcohol and Domestic Violence Connection

    Excessive consumption of alcohol and substance abuse impair a person’s judgment, lowering their inhibitions and affecting cognitive responses. For example,

  • individual therapy

    Can My Employer Fire Me for Going to Rehab?

    Making the decision to seek treatment for a substance use disorder is one of the most daunting things a person

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    Involuntary Rehab: How Do You Commit Someone to Rehab Against Their Will?

    It can be heartbreaking to watch a loved one struggle with substance abuse, whether they drink too much, abuse prescription

  • Therapist talking to her patient inpatient vs outpatient rehab

    Inpatient vs Outpatient Drug Rehab for Addiction: Making the Right Decision for Your Journey

    After deciding to attend addiction treatment, individuals must decide which type of addiction treatment program they want to attend:

  • What Are the Most Addictive Prescription Drugs

    What Are the Most Addictive Prescription Drugs?

    Some prescription drugs are more addictive than others. The addictive prescription drugs affect your brain’s reward system by flooding it

  • Depression and Addiction Toxic Relationship 1

    Depression and Addiction – A Toxic Relationship

    Many people drink alcohol and use drugs because they are depressed or become depressed as a result of prolonged substance

  • Is Marijuana a Depressant or Stimulant

    Is Marijuana a Depressant or Stimuli?

    For decades, experts have debated everything relevant to the use of marijuana such as whether is marijuana a stimulant or

  • A person seeking help for alcohol abuse

    Addiction recovery activities

    Addiction is a disease that a person has to actively and continuously combat in order to remain sober. As a

  • demerol 1 2 scaled 2

    What is Demerol Used For? Side Effects and Symptoms

    Although Demerol helps many people with severe pain, it can cause addiction. And the risk may increase if you have

  • The Best Foods for Alcohol

    The Best Foods for Alcohol Detox and Addiction Recovery

    So you’ve decided to get help and start alcohol addiction treatment? We understand it is a huge step for you

  • Trazodone and Ambien

    Trazodone and Ambien: What are the Similarities and Differences?

    Countless people in the world suffer from chronic insomnia, depression, or both. As a result, doctors often give prescription

  • How Artificial Intelligence AI is Revolutionizing Addiction Recovery

    Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence In Behavioral And Mental Health Care

    Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has done more for us than most of us could have envisioned. And now, technology is

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    How to Cope With An Eating Disorder

    Within the United States, The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has forecasted that approximately 30 million people suffer from eating