• cognitive behavioral therapy 768x449 1

    Benefits of CBT for Athletes With Anxiety

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques have been proven to help alleviate anxiety in athletes. CBT for athletes can help them deal

  • Couple with pride flag

    Pride month: spotlight on LGBTQ substance abuse treatment

      As June is pride month, we wanted to shed a little light on issues that many lesbian, gay, bisexual,

  • AAAABcL2iWNIx4vi4cc0PT0PTlMcuXiOrJcg0UujHyeug 6AETl6AmELWTiRI0nzrJ4MyTI mPSFzuSnLTH63iJyJxMIVp5M 1600x900 1 e1640278868543

    High Functioning Addict

    Don't be fooled... There are over 20 million Americans struggling with substance use disorders and they can be found all

  • Two Teenage Girls Drinking Alcohol

    It’s Never Smart to Give Your Kids Alcohol

      Believe it or not, most adolescents and teens are exposed to alcohol for the first time through a close

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    Studies Links Religion to Reduction in Alcohol Abuse

    The inclusion of religion and spirituality in addiction treatment has long been a hotly debated topic. Most famously, the 12

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    Inpatient vs outpatient for addiction treatment: Which one is more effective

    When you or someone close to you makes the life-changing decision to fight back against addiction by seeking professional treatment,

  • Toasting with Water Bottles 1 1

    Why Abstinence Addiction Treatment is the Best

    One of the things that makes people with drug and alcohol addictions reluctant to seek and accept treatment is the

  • young man on crutches

    How Personal Injuries Can Lead to Addiction and Trigger Relapses

      When people sustain personal injuries, they are commonly given  prescription medication. Painkillers known as opioids help combat the chronic

  • study drugs college

    10 Signs Your College Student is Struggling with Addiction

    When it is time in a young adult’s life to move to college, whether close or far from home, it

  • young man depressed

    Men’s Mental Health Crisis: Struggle in Silence

      There are many biological and sociological gender differences between men and women, but some of the most primary distinctions

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    10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Loved One’s Chances for Success in Recovery

    If someone close to you has recently completed addiction rehab for drugs or alcohol, you should be extremely happy for

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    Exercise and Addiction Recovery

    Can Exercise Help Conquer Drug And Alcohol Addiction? It’s common knowledge that exercise is good for you, but finding the

  • baby boomer taking pills BLOG 1

    Why Is There an Increase in Baby Boomer Substance Abuse?

    When you picture a person binge drinking or taking a lot of painkillers like OxyContin, the first image that pops

  • american drug use on rise header BLOG

    Drug Addiction in The United States

    Across most generations, genders, and demographics drug use in America has increased. Whether discussing heroin, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, marijuana

  • Group of happy girls having party in a club

    Millennials and Drugs: What’s Their Drug of Choice?

    The Face of Millennials And Drugs Every generation has its trends, including trends with drug use, millennials and their drugs